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I created my own groups but I can’t add more seats all of a sudden.

< 1 min read

If it’s the beginning on a new calendar year, you may have noticed that you can no longer add users to the groups you’ve created. Compliance training is not a one-time check the box activity. It is an essential part of operations for any successful housing provider.

With that in mind, we want to help our clients easily organize their training year to year so they can make sure that their compliance reports are accurate and that their team members received their training when they needed it.

Compliance is often tracked on a year-to-year basis so now we will have groups categorized by year. This way you can see which employees took the courses they needed in one year so you know whether or not they need to take another course in the following year.

This will also simplify the process of reassigning the course to existing employees year after year.

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