Putting the Human Back in Property Management

Episode 97

Host(s): Jonathan Saar from Market Me Social and Mark Howell from Howl Creative Concepts

Guest: Mike Brewer, COO of Radco Residential

Show Highlights

We are back with Mike Brewer, COO of Radco Residential, on a somewhat controversial topic. Is it possible to remove technology from the office for a more human-focused approach? Join us as Mike explains his plan to do just that by utilizing a process he likes to call ACEO.

Check out the four key areas we discussed:

  • Why is putting the human back in property management so critical?
  • Can we actually remove technology from the workplace?
  • What is ACEO?
  • This seems like a huge ask: How can companies even get started?

So, what are your thoughts? We can all agree that a little more humanity can go a long way in our industry. That being said, do you think ACEO will work? Please join the conversation and let us know your thoughts as we work together to help our industry grow.

Class dismissed!

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